Webinar: Deliver a better, more secure experience for any user, anywhere

Webinar: Deliver a better, more secure experience for any user, anywhere

Your business operates differently today. There are new requirements, new challenges such as:

Through Citrix SASE, learn how you can create a modern architecture for the cloud and mobile-first era that:

Join us on our upcoming webinar this coming June 3, 2021, 10:00AM – 11:00AM and together, let us discover how we can maximize performance, minimize risk and enable workforce productivity, anywhere, on any device.

Get a chance to win Grab vouchers during our mini-game and JBL Bluetooth speakers during our raffle draw!

About Citrix

Citrix is a global technology company that provides solutions to enable secure and efficient remote access to applications and data, as well as collaboration and networking solutions to organizations of all sizes. With its headquarters in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Citrix has a strong presence in over 100 countries around the world and serves customers in a wide range of industries, including healthcare, financial services, government, and education.

Citrix was founded in 1989 by Ed Iacobucci, a former IBM executive, with the goal of making it easier for people to access computing resources from remote locations. The company’s first product, Citrix Multiuser, allowed multiple users to access a single application simultaneously, which was a breakthrough at the time. Today, Citrix offers a wide range of products and services that help businesses optimize their IT infrastructure and provide a seamless and secure user experience.

One of Citrix’s core offerings is the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops platform, which provides virtualized access to Windows, web, and SaaS applications from any device or location. This platform enables IT administrators to centrally manage and secure applications and data, while providing employees with the flexibility to work from anywhere on any device. The platform also includes Citrix Workspace, which is a unified experience that allows users to access all their apps and files from a single location.

In addition to its virtualization products, Citrix also offers collaboration and communication solutions, such as Citrix ShareFile, which is a secure file sharing and storage platform that allows teams to collaborate on documents and files in a secure and compliant manner. Citrix also provides networking solutions, such as Citrix ADC (Application Delivery Controller), which optimizes application performance and security in complex hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

3 Types Of Multi-Factor Authentication

3 Types Of Multi-Factor Authentication

What are the types of multi-factor authentication methods?

  1. Something You Know
  2. Something You Have
  3. Something You Are

Multi-factor authentication refers to two or more verification processes that a user must comply with before they can access an account, view data, or make a transaction. Compared to only username and password information, this method allows you to decrease the likelihood of hacking. If a hacker steals the password, he would have difficulty accessing an account if he doesn’t have the other credentials. To know how this works, continue reading to learn more about the types of multi-factor authentication methods.

Something You Know

Something You Know

Are you familiar with questions such as “What is your mother’s maiden name?” or “What was the street where you first lived?”. These are some of the examples of how knowledge-based authentication (KBA) works. It requires information that the user knows. This could be a second password, PIN, or an answer to a security question. It could either be Static KBA or Dynamic KBA.

Static KBA involves information that is provided by the user or an organization—such as a personal code or an answer to a security question such as “What is your first pet’s name?”. On the other hand, dynamic KBA requires you to answer questions from real-time data records like credit transactions. This is harder to guess than static KBA because a potential hacker can research background information about a user. If they personally know you, it is easy to generate an answer to a question such as “What is your mother’s maiden name?”.

For this reason, knowledge-based authentication is often combined with information that a user has and a user is. Because these two are harder to get a hold of, it makes it more difficult for hackers to access an account.

Something You Have

Something You Have

Another way to authenticate a user is by requiring something that you have. The most common example to be would be a one-time password that is sent through an SMS or voice message. The user needs to enter this password to gain access to their account. This would work best for people who have stable phone service or frequently access business data on their phones.

Other than a text message, a one-time password can also be sent to an email address. This is convenient for users who don’t always have their phones with them in the office due to a company’s security rules. Both SMS and email token authentication have a time limit before the password expires. If this happens, users can generate a new one.

Software token authentication is also a popular option to verify the identity of a user. Instead of sending the one-time password through text and email, you need to open a smartphone application that generates it for you.

Something else that an organization can give to a user for authentication is a USB device. This is used to connect to a person’s computer as an additional form of authentication. Because hardware is used to verify identity, it is considered one of the most secure methods available.

Something You Are

Something You Are

Lastly, some organizations prefer biometric authentication when controlling access to sensitive company data. The information you need to provide here is something that you are as a person. This refers to biometrics which could be any part of your body—such as a fingerprint, palm, face, retina, iris, or voice. This is one of the most difficult pieces of information for hackers to steal because it needs some effort to take possession of.

But you might be thinking, how would this work for remote workers? Offices might have special devices to scan these body parts but an employee working from home won’t have access to this expensive equipment. The good news is, biometric authentication can work on some smartphone and tablet devices. Most people already have gadgets that have built-in fingerprint scanners that can also be used to authenticate access to online banking and the like.

The advantage of biometric authentication is the speed a user can complete an authentication process. Instead of waiting for OTP, you can simply press on your fingerprints, align the authenticating device to your face, and more.

Key Takeaway

There are multiple types of multi-factor authentication. It can be categorized into something that you know, something that you have, and something that you are. While each one has its own set of pros and cons, combining different methods can help your organization protect important information much more effectively. Other than the examples listed above, the list of verification processes is continuously growing with the advancement of technology.

If you’re interested in getting multi-factor authentication solutions for your business, CT Link offers a variety of options that can suit your needs! This way, you can better secure your corporate data from cybercriminals. Click here if you have additional questions and inquiries.

How To Prevent Data Breach In Remote Work

How To Prevent Data Breach In Remote Work

How do you prevent a data breach in remote work?

  1. Provide employees with secure internet access
  2. Protect remote workers’ devices
  3. Utilize multi-factor authentication
  4. Add a layer of protection for work emails
  5. Take a zero-trust security approach
  6. Educate your workers about cybersecurity

A data breach can be done by a hacker by physically accessing a computer or penetrating your network remotely. With employees spread out in different locations during remote work, the possibility of your company information being leaked is high. But the good news is, there are some things you can do to prevent this incident—one of them is having secure remote access solutions. If you want to know how to prevent a data breach in remote work, keep on reading.

Provide Employees With Secure Internet Access

Provide Employees With Secure Internet Access

With cloud-hosted and software as a service (SaaS) applications, your remote workers need a stable online connection. But other than that, they also need secure internet access. This is the reason why most companies look for IT solutions such as Citrix Secure Internet Access (SIA). It provides a secure way to access applications, the web, and SaaS for their workers no matter where they may be.

This comprehensive security tool can protect corporate data when users are accessing web and cloud applications. It includes features such as data loss prevention, intrusion detection and prevention, secure web gateway, cloud access security broker, and malware protection with sandboxing.

Protect Remote Workers’ Devices

Protect Remote Workers’ Devices

Because most of the malware that comprises a remote worker’s device comes from the web, it is important to upgrade endpoint security for your organization. Whether your workers are using company-distributed laptops or personal computers, it is not easy to monitor your employees’ activities 24/7 especially if they’re working remotely. Because of that, you leave your network vulnerable to hidden risks.

But because Citrix SIA acts as a proxy to inspect all internet traffic—whether it’s personal or work-related—you can reduce the risks of malware attacks to your network. Aside from this, it also quickly blocks malicious activities recorded on Citrix’s database of threats. This way, you can prevent data breaches even when your employees use their personal devices to access company information.

Utilize Multi-Factor Authentication

Utilize Multi-Factor Authentication

Whether you’re logging in to the company network in the physical office or in a remote location, you need an added layer of security before your employees can access corporate information. With only usernames and passwords, cybercriminals may have the potential to gain unauthorized access to your data. That’s why implementing multi-factor authentication is recommended, so you can make it difficult for hackers to gain entry into your network.

MFA requires additional steps in addition to usernames and passwords when logging in to the company network. This might include one-time-passwords, fingerprints or token-generating hardware. Some also make use of risk-based authentication to restrict access during off-hours. In some cases, the location of the user is also considered.

Add A Layer Of Protection For Work Emails

Add A Layer Of Protection For Work Emails

Another way hackers can perform a successful data breach is through phishing attacks. This involves the use of fake websites and emails that are made to look like the original. It tricks the recipient into clicking malicious links or providing sensitive information such as company passwords. In the “Bogus Invoice Scheme,” for example, a hacker utilizes a fake invoice from a partner establishment to trick your staff into sending payments.

While employee education and two-factor authentication are key strategies to prevent phishing attacks, security software products like Trend Micro Email Security can also safeguard you from these incidents. It analyzes email senders, double checks content, protects from malicious malware and URL, and helps detect unusual behavior as well.

Take A Zero-Trust Security Approach

Take A Zero-Trust Security Approach

Not all your employees need access to sensitive information such as customer data. If you’re not mindful when granting permission, you might be leaving your database exposed to insider data leaks—whether it is done voluntarily or involuntarily. This is where a cybersecurity strategy comes in.

With a Zero-Trust security approach, you’re essentially treating all online activities and access requests as malicious—even when it’s coming from inside your network. This allows you to put additional security measures, verification, and authentication steps into the process which is important if you want to prevent unauthorized use of company information.

Educate Your Workers About Cybersecurity

Educate Your Workers About Cybersecurity

If you want to prevent data breaches during remote work, you shouldn’t forget to educate and train your employees. With direct access to your network, they’re also the most vulnerable when it comes to security. In addition to IT solutions, this can go a long way in preventing data loss.

For example, one of the practices they should adopt is only using the work device for work purposes to reduce access to malicious sites. It’s also recommended to avoid sharing sensitive information through emails and know how to spot phishing emails firsthand.

Other than that, training them on best password practices is a must. That means using complex passwords that combine uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers. Avoiding repetition of passwords and creating a unique one for each account is also recommended.

Key Takeaway

Key Takeaway

When your company information is stolen, it doesn’t just affect you as an organization. It also compromises your customer’s personal data such as names, addresses, and credit card numbers. In the worst-case scenario, it can also lead to loss of money. For these reasons you should know how to prevent a data breach in remote work to provide comprehensive and reliable cybersecurity.

If you’re interested in CT Link’s security solutions for cloud setup and remote work, you can send us a message!

6 Benefits Of Switching To Virtual Workspaces

6 Benefits of Switching to Virtual Workspaces

What are the benefits of switching to virtual workspaces?

  1. Improved Employee Experience
  2. Increased Productivity
  3. Convenient Transition To Remote Work
  4. Enhanced Security
  5. Reduced Costs And Expenses
  6. Opportunity To Scale Up

Unlike the physical office, a digital workplace is not located in one place. Rather, it connects your workers from different places through the internet. While this was once out of the ordinary, the advancement of technology makes the experience much more user-friendly. As such, countless organizations are switching to virtual workspaces to have the benefits they bring. If you’re interested, keep on reading to learn more.

Improved Employee Experience

Improved Employee Experience

Switching to a digital workplace means that you’re putting your people first. For example, with Citrix Workspace, you can simplify your team’s tasks because all the tools they need are in a single place. It also allows you to manage your applications and software without hassle.

With your storage and applications in one location, your employees don’t have to waste time searching for files on different platforms. Uploads and downloads are also faster and access to workload is available to multiple devices so they can customize their work style as they see fit.

Increased Productivity

Increased Productivity

With user-friendly tools available to them at all times, your employees will have increased productivity at work. This way, it is easy to get more tasks done in less time especially if they don’t have to figure out complicated software. And if you choose user-friendly platforms such as the Citrix Workspace, your staff can do things on their own and leave your IT team to more crucial tasks.

With a work environment that promotes transparency, your employees can conveniently track the status of any task and contribute to it in real-time. This means that there are fewer follow-ups, emails, and downtime in your processes. Instead, there is more time for innovation and workflow improvement.

Convenient Transition To Remote Work

Convenient Transition To Remote Work

With your work tools available online anytime and anywhere, it gives your employees a chance to do their work remotely. This leads to less commute stress and travel time while providing more hours for rest. With an improved work-life balance, your staff will end up happy and satisfied. This way, you have higher chances of retaining them for a long time.

Because work from home setups provide applicants opportunities outside of their geographic location, it also means that you can recruit talented people from across the country. With the freedom to work wherever they prefer, most candidates will find it enjoyable to work in a virtual workspace. In addition to that, you will also benefit from their assistance in business opportunities in their locale.

Enhanced Security

Enhanced Security

But with all these benefits, some of you might be concerned about the security measures needed when working online. Fortunately, platforms such as Citrix Workspace can provide assurance through continuous user risk assessment. Instead of reacting to threats, it helps your organization proactively detect these problems in real-time. And the best thing is, it doesn’t affect employee experience.

Aside from that, it also contains a secure browser and multi-factor authentication feature for your applications—whether they’re on the web or on your desktop. With all these, you can not only protect your users but also data that are important for your business.

Reduced Costs And Expenses

Reduced Costs And Expenses

With improved employee experience, productivity, flexibility, and security, you may be thinking of the expenses of maintaining a virtual workplace. The good news is, it is a more cost-effective alternative than a physical office. Because you can manage a team remotely, you don’t have to pay for building space, furniture, electrical bills, security personnel, and maintenance. Your staff can also save time and money on travel.

And if you choose a user-friendly platform such as the Citrix Workspace, you won’t need to have a large IT team to maintain your applications and on-premise server. Instead, you can invest your funds in assets that will make your business grow. This may be a bigger inventory, talent, or a new service.

Opportunity For Scaling Up

Opportunity For Scaling Up

Because of the chance to handle a remote team while reducing costs, you can grab this opportunity to scale up your business anytime you want. When you have a physical office, you have to invest in additional tables, chairs, and computers when you need new employees. For mass hirings, you also have to move to a bigger office to accommodate the increase in office population.

For this reason, companies that have virtual offices have the advantage when scaling up. And because virtual workspaces can be customized according to your organization’s needs, you can opt for additional features depending on your changing requirements in the future.

Key Takeaway

Key Takeaway

Compared to a physical office, a virtual office provides numerous benefits for your organization and employees. With opportunities to improve productivity and flexibility, you can expect your financial status to increase drastically. And the best thing is, you can always customize your workplace as you see fit.

If you want to experience these virtual workspaces benefits, you can contact CT Link! As a legitimate provider of Citrix Workspace in the country, you can transition to a digital office with ease. We also offer other cloud platforms, security software, and data protection solutions. Click here to learn more!

Streamline your Workflows with Microsoft Approvals

Streamline your Workflows with Microsoft Approvals

The pandemic has changed many things over the past year, remote work has now become a more widely accepted set up when it comes to managing your workforce’s schedules. However, even with cloud-based tools to help with collaboration, files and decisions can still be hard to track if it is scattered throughout different platforms like email, messenger apps, or even through video or audio calls.

This is not a problem for users of Microsoft Teams as Microsoft has recently added a new application called Approvals.


Approvals in Microsoft Teams allows users to create, manage, and share approvals directly from the Team app. Approval flows can be made directly from where users chat, channel conversations, or from the Approval app itself. They can be monitored easily from the Teams app and will notify approvers once the request has been made.

Your Approvals in one App

With Approvals, you can see and manage all approval requests in one app with all key details, status, requestors, and approvers. You can also track the progress of specific approvals to find out more on what’s happening or if there are delays.

Upload documents, images, links, and other files

Approval allows for requestors to upload files or pictures when creating approvals. This ensures that their task or request has supporting documents to prove completion and creates a faster approval cycle. This also makes it easier to find files when you need to find it.

Approvals built on the Power Platform

Approvals in Teams is built on top of Power Platform and is easily integrated to create an uninterrupted flow of work to reduce the wait time of tasks. With integration of Power Platform, you can do more than just simple approvals and rejections. Since it is a workflow app, you can immediately place tasks and objectives after an approval or rejection customized based on what you need, so that the flow of work continues until the end result you are after is achieved.

For example, you can create a flow to act on the request directly from Teams and define what happens after the request is approved (e.g. post a confirmation message in Teams) or rejected (e.g. create a task in Planner). When a specific form is submitted, this flow will automatically be triggered, which makes it easier for both the requestor and the approver to expedite the process.

To learn more about Microsoft Teams and Approvals, you can fill the form below and we will get in touch with you as soon as we can!

Improve Visibility and Detection Beyond Endpoints with Trend Micro XDR

Improve Visibility and Detection Beyond Endpoints with Trend Micro XDR

The threat landscape is always evolving, making it hard for traditional security measures to adapt to it. This has become even more prominent ever since the pandemic; threat actors have been taking advantage of the increased attack surfaces that remote work has provided. However, if you are only securing the endpoint side, you only see a part of the malicious activity and would not be able to properly find the source and cause of it.

Another thing that must be put into consideration is that not all companies have a dedicated security team to make sense of all the alerts that an organizations security solution may notify them of. If you have no one to analyze the alert or if your team can’t respond fast enough due to the number of alerts, you leave your network vulnerable to threat actors.

This is where a security solution like Trend Micro’s XDR can help.

Better visibility of threats to your network

Trend Micro XDR has a reference of indicators of compromise (IoC) that is capable of scanning not just endpoints, but also across emails and network servers, giving your IT team more security visibility of your infrastructure.

Investigating across your organization

Trend Micro XDR allows your IT team to find threats that may have bypassed your security before and also allows you to investigate threats that have already been blocked to find their origin.

Extending your security team

With Trend Micro Managed XDR, you are able to outsource experts from Trend Micro to help interpret the security reports and alerts to quickly remediate threats to your network. This is helpful in both situations in which you have a dedicated security team, as it helps free their time to do other tasks, and those who cannot afford to have a dedicated team.

Machine learning and signatures

Machine learning is used to ensure that files you download are safe through sandboxing to ensure no malicious actions are done once it is running. Signatures on the other hand help quickly distinguish known malicious files and immediately blocks them once detected.

Virtual patching

Once an exploit is found, you need to apply the necessary vendor patch to ensure your business-critical server is safe. However, as we know this is usually easier said than done as patching requires your operations to stop. With Trend Micro, you are able to virtually patch your machine to protect you from the exploit while you slowly patch your business-critical servers.

These are just some features of the XDR suite that Trend Micro Offers, if you are interested in learning more on Trend Micro XDR or other security solutions, you may fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as we can!

Prevent data loss from remote endpoints and SaaS apps with Unitrends Cloud Backup

Prevent data loss from remote endpoints and SaaS apps with Unitrends Cloud Backup

Working from home is now the norm when it comes to business. However, this now makes data loss more common as devices are now outside your network perimeter. Traditional backup solutions require your devices to be connected to your network for it to backup your files, so for every day those endpoints are not in the network, the risk of losing data becomes higher.

This is where a Unitrends Cloud Backup can help. Through a quick and easy download of the backup agent, you can immediately start protecting your data outside your network from accidental deletion or unsuspected data corruption.

Addressing the issues of bandwidth

In the Philippines, connectivity reliability and speed are the major factor why most companies don’t see cloud as a viable option for business operations. This is a concern for cloud backup due to the heavy initial upload that is needed to create the first backup that needs to maintained (succeeding backups are just small updates to the initial backup which usually are small uploads).

Unitrends Cloud Backup navigates this problem by allowing users to gradually upload their important file to lessen the amount of initial size of the upload. From there, they can prioritize which are the important files that need to be backed up and slowly create the bigger file snapshot to be maintained. The bandwidth consumption can also be controlled by the admin so that bandwidth usage of the solution does not interrupt the business operations of the end user and can even be automated to start at a less intrusive time.

Importance of SaaS Backup

SaaS applications such as Office 365 have grown in popularity since the pandemic started. They helped many to collaborate with colleagues remotely and served as a platform to share their important data. However, many are not aware that data in the cloud are not exempt from the dangers of data loss. According to Unitrends research, over 75% of SaaS applications experience data loss every year. These data losses can be attributed to either intentional or unauthorized deletion and corruption of files.

Creating a separate backup of files with Unitrends Cloud Backup can help mitigate this risk while giving your company a flexible way to recover the data on demand, saving you from incurring loss of productivity time and potential financial loss.

If you are interested in learning more about Unitrends Cloud Backup, you can contact us by filling out the form below and we will contact you as soon as we can!

Increase Business Efficiency and Lower Operation Costs with HPE Synergy!

Increase Business Efficiency and Lower Operation Costs with HPE Synergy!

HPE Synergy, the most modern blade infrastructure, lets you to automate operations, instantly deploy and redeploy infrastructure, develop apps and services faster, and run any workload within a hybrid cloud environment.

Start your HPE Synergy transition by discovering eye-opening business value metrics from IDC. Below is a short video showing how you can make your transition as easy as possible:

Defer over 90% of IT costs until 2021

Our 2020 Payment Relief Program lets you navigate temporary cash flow challenges when acquiring IT.

223% ROI ​–​ 35% lower cost of operations

This IDC infographic presents a series of quantified IT and operational outcomes reported during interviews with HPE Synergy customers.

To learn more about HPE Synergy, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

About HPE Synergy

HPE Synergy is a composable infrastructure solution that allows organizations to rapidly create and deploy IT resources in a flexible and efficient manner. The solution is designed to eliminate the silos of traditional data center infrastructure by allowing for the sharing and pooling of resources across multiple workloads and applications.

At the heart of HPE Synergy is the Composer software-defined intelligence engine. Composer enables IT administrators to quickly create and provision logical resources from physical infrastructure components such as compute, storage, and fabric resources. These resources can be rapidly composed and recomposed based on the needs of specific workloads or applications, allowing for the creation of dynamic and highly adaptable infrastructure.

The hardware components of HPE Synergy are based on a modular design that allows for easy expansion and scaling of resources. The compute modules are based on the latest Intel Xeon processors, while the storage modules can support a range of technologies such as SAS, SATA, and NVMe. The fabric modules provide high-speed connectivity between compute and storage resources, and support a variety of networking protocols such as Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and InfiniBand.

One of the key benefits of HPE Synergy is its ability to support a wide range of workloads and applications, including virtualized workloads, containerized workloads, and bare-metal applications. This flexibility is enabled by the integration of a variety of software technologies such as VMware vSphere, Red Hat OpenShift, and Docker.

HPE Synergy also provides a range of management tools that allow IT administrators to monitor and control infrastructure resources, automate routine tasks, and optimize resource utilization. These tools include HPE OneView, which provides a unified management interface for all HPE Synergy components, and HPE Intelligent System Tuning, which optimizes server performance based on workload characteristics.

Secure your Hybrid Workforce with Citrix Secure Internet Access

Secure your Hybrid Workforce with Citrix Secure Internet Access

The landscape of business in the Philippines has changed. Despite some offices slowly resuming to normalcy, many are now still more open to allowing a hybrid or even pure remote work schedule. This increase of remote work has helped increased mobility but could have security implications if not addressed properly.

Remote workers may be connecting to cloud-hosted or SaaS applications with commodity Internet. This scenario lacks consistent, fast and secure access to applications. There may even be some cases when employees often disconnect from their VPN clients when accessing web and SaaS applications which leaves them unprotected and vulnerable to threats.

Hence, security measures can be increased by backhauling the traffic to the data center to mitigate these threats. However, these can come at the cost of application performance as it bottlenecks traffic.

The challenge of remote access is balancing the user experience and security. Users want to be able to access applications through any device at any time. To create an environment to facilitate this while maintaining corporate security standards is required.

This is where Citrix Secure Internet Access (SIA) can help. It offers a comprehensive, cloud-delivered security architecture to protect your users, regardless of their location.

Network Security for Remote Access

Citrix SIA can secure all access to your Internet and SaaS apps. Web applications such as Google Drive, Salesforce, LinkedIn, Workday, YouTube, Facebook or even just Internet browser traffic are within the scope of SIA’s securing capabilities. It does this through the following:

Inspect all Internet traffic

Personal devices are great for user experience but do not have the safety mechanisms found in corporate devices. Threat actors take advantage of this through Internet browsing or SaaS traffic as they use compromised devices. By allowing a proxy to inspect all incoming traffic, it greatly reduces the risk of malicious attacks to your network through a multitude of security checks before it reaches your datacenter.

Allowing the proxy to do this also allows it to focus more on load balancing requests which results in a better user experience. This is crucial as the increased number of requests coming from outside the network will typically need to do both security checks and grant access requests, which results to a bottleneck that slows down performance.

Block malware attacks to the network

By leveraging Citrix SIA’s database of known threats, detecting malicious activities becomes faster and remediations to it are applied sooner. Website access can also be allowed or blocked by comparing requested URLs with a filtering database that is defined per organizational policy.

Malware is a big factor when considering a security solution, as knowing what kind of attack on your system is a big advantage when you are inspecting incoming traffic. This is something that can save your business time and expenses in the long run.

Isolate new and unknown threats through sandbox

When considering the nature of threats, there will come a time when your security check will encounter a threat not part of any known database. This is something to be expected as many new threats are being made everyday and updates don’t come fast enough to the database. Citrix SIA handles this through sandboxing suspicious traffic or files. By isolating the suspicious activity or file in a simulated environment, you allow your network to test in real time what could happen in the real environment through simulation. This can help determine the nature of the suspicious file or activity and greatly minimize the risk it would have to your network.

Provide secure direct Internet access for better user experience

With Citrix SIA acting as the proxy for the data center to ensure these security policies are enforced, users will be able to directly access the Internet and SaaS applications instead. This greatly improves the response time of applications and Internet browsing experience.

Companies no longer have to route their user’s Internet traffic back to their data center for security checks to prevent users from accessing potentially dangerous or unproductive web pages that can cause sub-optimal performance for applications due to the roundabout way traffic is routed. With a direct Internet access, users remain consistently protected no matter where they are.

Consolidate your network security products for simplified management

Businesses have increased the number of security products implemented into their infrastructure over the years to address different security measures. However, these solutions can increase the complexity of your IT infrastructure because of the lack of visibility and scalability.

Citrix SIA can help consolidate your network security and monitor activities by providing you a single dashboard to monitor all network security which can be monitored through the cloud. It also is easily deployable to users needing no need for IT assistance while maintaining a simple and intuitive user interface. With a cloud-delivered architecture, you can easily scale up even as new applications, users or locations are added.

Click here and discover how to roll out secure browsers and isolate Internet browsing in your digital workspace.

Citrix SIA is just one service in a bigger solution offering that Citrix just launched. We will be discussing the other services within the Citrix SASE offering in other articles to come, so please look forward to it!


Security Advisory: Multiple Microsoft Exchange exploits being used by Threat Actor Hafnium

Security Advisory: Multiple Microsoft Exchange exploits being used by Threat Actor Hafnium

Microsoft has recently just announced a security update with regards to a set of new exploits found being primarily used by a state-sponsored threat actor based in China which Microsoft has called Hafnium. The previously unknown exploits used by Hafnium targets on-premise exchange server software to gain initial access to the network by disguising themselves as someone with access privilege. They then create what is known as a web shell to gain control over the compromised server remotely, making it easy to steal data.

Affected Servers and the Remediation

The exploits used by Hafnium targets Microsoft Exchange Servers, so users of Microsoft Exchange Online are not affected. Below are the versions that can be targeted by the exploits:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2019

Microsoft highly recommends that businesses with the affected Exchange servers immediately update them with the latest security updates to ensure protection against the exploits. If you are unable to immediately do so for all servers, Microsoft has said that you need to first prioritize external facing servers as they are the most vulnerable to these attacks but ultimately you would need to update them all to stay safe. Listed below are the security patches released by Microsoft for each exploit:

Is it possible to check if I have been already affected by these exploits?

Microsoft has released a detailed guide on ways to check you network logs to see if you have been affected, you may refer to this link if you would like to read more on it.