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The New Office Environment: Hybrid Remote Work in 2022 and Beyond

Hybrid Remote Work and beyond

Since the beginning of 2022, we have started to see some semblance of normalcy. Globally, people are now easing restrictions and many businesses are back to pre-pandemic standards. However, one thing that seems to be clear is that the attitude towards remote and hybrid work has changed.  

In the Philippines, the office culture has always leaned towards the traditional approach of going to an office from 8-5. Most hybrid or remote work setups were from jobs which were on a consultant or freelance basis. However, once the pandemic forced businesses to adapt, the mindset of many businesses changed to be more accepting of the concept.

Businesses need to be able to support hybrid or remote work to prepare for the coming years. Below are some concepts in which every business needs to consider to better support hybrid or remote work:

Elastic Work

“Elastic work” pertains to the concept of whether your users are at the office or working remotely, they should have the same experience. At the start of the pandemic, this was not a priority as most businesses just wanted to enable their users a way to work remotely. The priority now has shifted to ensuring their users have the same experience regardless of location. This means having good security, reduced friction when dealing with technology, and most importantly, being able to work how they want without hassle.

Going from Reactive to Proactive

Businesses who are proactive in their approach for hybrid try to improve their user’s security and experience before issues arise. The goal is not to log in remotely and see their desktops, but to improve that experience when they engage with their applications. By enabling your users with an overall good experience, it can also lead to applications that would provide your customers with a better experience overall. Whether it be through better productivity of your team or through applying your experience with users to your customer’s service.

Simple and Convenient

As the technology progresses, solutions can become more complex and hinder users. When preparing for your hybrid or remote work solution, you need to keep user experience in mind. Keeping it simple and intuitive will go a long way for both your users and customers. Enabling your workforce a way to work remotely won’t work if the process to do it is in itself confusing or restrictive. Finding the best balance between security and accessibility is key.

Creating a balance between your on-prem and hybrid/remote work users can be challenging. However, there are many solutions available that can help alleviate your concerns. Citrix Secure Private Access is a solution that can be considered to improve your remote work capabilities. As a Zero Trust Network Access security solution, provides your business with:

This leaves little to no chance for outsiders to get into your network while providing your users improved user experience. To learn more about the Citrix Solutions, Contact us at today!

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